Category: Social Events

‘Shining Plates Luncheon’ by Leukaemia Foundation

Creating an event that is in demand is rare for charities these days, however on a day clashing fathers day the Shining Plates Luncheon at Montrachet in Paddington was completely sold out.

Montrachet is an amazing french restaurant in Paddington – The luncheon consisted of a 6 course degustation menu with matching wine (all authentically french).

The chef/ owner of Montrachet (Thierry Galichet) is extremely welcoming and accommodating to requests, the staff are amazing and you know you will receive quality food and service.

With fantastic auction prizes and raffles, the Leukaemia Foundation raised close to $35,000 from the day.

This event, occurring annually around September is extremely limited in numbers, but would be one that should be added as a must attend for the year.

Sim G

To corporate entertain… or not to corporate entertain?

Well… it depends on your business objectives. There is ALWAYS a need to entertain your top clients (everyone you deal with is a client).

It’s too much money you say…

Not really… it’s just a matter of looking outside the square. There are the usual types of corporate entertaining like:

Football, AFL, Cricket, Rugby, theatre, races, motorsport… These options are spectacular but can be over budget on occasion. VIP corporate entertaining is always popular as clients enjoy being waited on while entertained.

However… Why not think of smaller more intimate options like: Restaurants (degustation meal), the Art Gallery (exhibitions), festivals (VIP areas), host your own ‘mini’ event designed for the client, start a membership program for loyal clients… the list is endless.

It is not always about taking them to grand events, it is also about showing your appreciation for their patronage in any form.

Looking for upcoming events to corporate entertain? Keep your eyed on – full of great events to take clients to.

Sim G

The Waterloo – an iconic venue that has been on the corner of Ann St and Commercial Rd for over a total of 130 years (73 years as the title ‘Waterloo Hotel’).

A venue that has seen many famous bands and pubescent famous bands undertook a 6 million dollar facelift over the last two years, in a bid to vie for title of the ‘in place’ to be for Valley night life. With the next door neighbour (Emporium) taking socialites to the bottom end off the Valley for quite some time now, the Waterloo (along with other venues) have decided to create a hub of places in the eastern end of Fortitude Valley.

The lighting and décor is spectacular, modern vintage you would call it. Keeping in with current trends there are ‘pockets’ of space with unique décor for people to mingle and mull in their own group – almost creating ‘homeliness’ tailored to each person’s taste.

The cocktails were delightful, champagne vodka Redbull and Midori Splice, both sweet but tasteful. Unfortunately I was driving, so there was no room for multiple tastings. But the bar is lit up like a beacon, luring people to the core of the venue.

The staff were bringing around appetising food, but when asked what the items were only a blank face looked back at you with an explanation of “I am not sure, we usually work at the Regatta Hotel”.

This at times you can forgive, but the cardinal sin for any launch/ opening/ event is when the sound is ‘off’. The screeching echo sound in your ears is not what anyone would call fun. Also consider the type of entertainment for an opening night as I am not convinced this one was appropriate to the market within in the venue, however, if the entertainment was able to be heard it may have been a different story.

After speaking to the co-organisers of the night it was mentioned that there had been a sound check done earlier that night, but I had to ask “Was the sound check done with the band?” It seems apparent this may have been their downfall.

Now, there are important things that need to be considered when a venue is being refurbished, 4 ladies toilets for a venue capacity of over 300 is not exactly what I would call genius, with the line up out the door the ladies (or men) have a great view of the kitchen in action. Maybe this is a strategic move to take their minds off the fact that they wait for over 20 minutes to go to the ladies.

I am not sure I would be rushing back to book this venue anytime soon, traditionally opening nights are designed to exceed expectations, with key people attending it provides the opportunity to put your best foot forward.

In this instance Waterloo, you have a fantastic refurbished venue, but next time an event such as this presents itself to you please ensure that your entertainment and sound is perfect.

Sim G

The new Siana Valley has been tested on humans with no side effects.

The event: Valley Chamber of Commerce Networking Function

Whilst these events are rather boring, it was great to see the venue. Much more spacious than the city sister restaurant, lending more room for functions and private spaces.

The food was amazing – Naan bread, calamari, spring rolls, fish cakes – all ‘home-made’ taste and style.

Whilst the upstairs space is great for functions it is difficult to ensure the event is not segregated with all the ‘pockets’ of space. So maybe a networking function in this particular part of Siana is not the best.

I do however give Siana Valley a big thumbs up for their venue, this will be a contender for small to medium events in Brisbane.

Check it out yourself at

Sim G