‘Shining Plates Luncheon’ by Leukaemia Foundation

Creating an event that is in demand is rare for charities these days, however on a day clashing fathers day the Shining Plates Luncheon at Montrachet in Paddington was completely sold out.

Montrachet is an amazing french restaurant in Paddington – The luncheon consisted of a 6 course degustation menu with matching wine (all authentically french).

The chef/ owner of Montrachet (Thierry Galichet) is extremely welcoming and accommodating to requests, the staff are amazing and you know you will receive quality food and service. www.montrachet.com.au

With fantastic auction prizes and raffles, the Leukaemia Foundation raised close to $35,000 from the day.

This event, occurring annually around September is extremely limited in numbers, but would be one that should be added as a must attend for the year.

Sim G